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A few things need to be completed when a candidate applies to college. One of the most important ones is writing college essays.
This might seem challenging, but it is a great chance to show skills beyond grades and test scores. A unique essay can set you apart from other applicants. You can showcase your personality, achievements, and potential. Moreover, it gives the college a glimpse of your writing style, which is essential for success in college.
Strategies to write a perfect college essay
Below are some of the strategies that can help you craft an essay that stands out. This blog will cover the process of starting your essay, the things that need to be added to your essay, and the elements that can make your essay different from others.
The Planning Stage
Let it be authentic
Opt for a topic that is based on truly who you are. Readers can easily detect if the writer is unauthentic. How is this possible?
An inauthentic essay means the use of overly flowery language that no one would ever choose to use in daily conversation. It could be choosing an inconsequential topic that reveals minor details about you. What should then a writer do?
Use your language, sense of humor, and natural way of speaking, just like you would in everyday life. Whatever subject you choose, make sure it genuinely matters to you. Don’t just pick something to impress others. Whether it’s your personal experiences, hobbies, or quirky personality traits, highlight your strengths and even sprinkle in some weaknesses. If you need a hand, our Case Study Writing Help can guide you through!
Engage the reader from the first word
Remember! When you are applying, there are many candidates you have to compete with.
Therefore, it is important that the punch line of your essay immediately seizes the imagination of the reader. This can be a bold statement, a thoughtful quote, a question you pose, or a descriptive scene.
You can powerfully start your essay with a clear thesis statement. This will navigate your way through the writing process. For instance, if the task is to narrate a good story, a bold beginning can be a natural prelude to getting there. This will serve as a roadmap, engaging the reader from the start and presenting the purpose of the writing.
Focus on detailed themes
Some candidates think that they can impress the committee members by filling the essay with facts, figures, and descriptions of activities. These can include winning in a sports event or a description of the volunteering work that the candidate participated in. Then what to add?
Your college admission officers are more interested in knowing about you as a person. They are looking for information narrating the way that bought you at this stage in life. They want to read about the difficulties that you might have overcome, instead of your winning ratios.
You can add your wins in games differently. Tell me that your participation in games helped you socialize or that you were the team leader during this win.
Approach from a different perspective
Think of ways to make your essay stand out. Other students might choose to write about their wins, but you can write about your losses and state what you learned from them.
If you are a talented writer, you can play with the words. Use elements of surprise that can craft an essay leaving the response to a question till the last sentence. You may wish to stay away from traditional themes like writing about sports-related obstacles or successes or writing about the obstacles to reaching this position.
But you cannot neglect these themes. They are popular for a reason. They represent the total number of people coming from high schools.
The Writing Stage
Craft an essay with the reader in mind
There is no doubt in this statement that your essay is for the reader. Therefore, build a clear and logical flow of arguments in a natural way. Use transition words between the paragraphs.
Think of all the information that you might want the reader to know. Are all the ideas included aligning with the theme of the essay? Make sure that you question yourself before submitting the essay: does the written piece make any sense? Is the essay in an organized manner? Is the opening grabbing the attention of the audience? Does the essay have a strong ending?
If you can answer all these questions positively, you are good to submit the essay for college admission.
- Show, don’t tell
Utilize the experience to show the readers who you are. Instead of stating that you are a hard worker, add a situation where you demonstrated hard work and how it impacted you. Moreover, when you say that you are a leader, share a story about how you led a team and the outcome of the situation. For this, you can ask for help from services like online assignment help or others to help you with their expert advice.
- Make it concise
You must stay on the topic and write within the word limit. Refrain from using unnecessary words or overly complex sentences. Make your writing concise and clear.
- Make several drafts before the final copy
The characteristic of a good writer is that he writes several copies before getting the final copy in the market. Once you have completed your first draft, keep it aside for a few days. Get back with a fresh pair of eyes. You will discover to have a whole new perspective that can enhance your ability to make revisions.
- Use a positive tone
Try using a positive tone in your essay. As stated above, instead of directly adding your failures or weaknesses. You can positively highlight them. Tell the reader what you learn from these mistakes.
- Focus on maintaining a perspective
When writing an essay, keep in mind, that it is not just the essay that will help you in securing college admission. The admission officer will look at you as a whole student. They will also consider your academic record, extracurricular activities, test scores, and other things. This is just one criterion of admission.
What is the format of a college essay?
The college is the same as other essays. It has an opening, some body paragraphs, and a closing paragraph.
How can college essays be made compelling?
Begin the essay with a compelling and engaging sentence. This will help in grabbing the attention of the audience and making them read more.
What is the best ending of an essay?
Most successful essays end with a statement like looking forward to the future. These sorts of endings are hopeful and positive, and are of great quality in admission essays.
How are college essays titled?
The titles of college should be descriptive and challenging. The titles should reflect the purpose and tone of the essay.
The final thought
Writing a college essay is a tough job, but the story matters. Your story helps the admission officers understand who you are and what you are bringing along with you. With some attention to planning, you can craft a memorable and impactful essay.
Now, you are ready to file your college admission with other requirements. Once you have filed your application, don’t panic. Stay back and relax. Good luck!